Unmaking of Stereotypes through black Popular Music in the America
Introduction It is believed that the politics of respectability originated with Blacks in the Caribbean and the United States (Pond). Politics of respectability involves a case where the marginalized groups police their own people. By doing this, they display their values as that which is compatible with the mainstream’s. This is contrary to the societal … Continue reading “Unmaking of Stereotypes through black Popular Music in the America”

Nuclear Iran as a Global Security Threat
Currently, there are five proclaimed nuclear countries – as the United States, France, China, Russia, and Great Britain, while four states, such as Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea, claim possessing nuclear weapons (Ross, 2016). All of them are aware of the danger of nuclear arms proliferation, and they try to keep the group of … Continue reading “Nuclear Iran as a Global Security Threat”

Whole Genome Sequencing Test in Newborns
Nowadays genetic methods of research have become increasingly important in the diagnosis of hereditary diseases and disorders with polygenic type of inheritance. Screening allows identifying a number of pathologies even before their first symptoms. As for multifactorial diseases, genome sequencing enables to assess the possibility of a person to get a disease and the time … Continue reading “Whole Genome Sequencing Test in Newborns”

Should Nuclear weapons be abolished?
Introduction In the past decades and even today, there have been numerous efforts calling for a nuclear weapon free world. Historical occurrence during the Second World War at Hiroshima and Nagasaki are evidence enough of the levels of damage nuclear weapons can do. Nuclear weapon states have not arrived into serious conclusions about disarmament but … Continue reading “Should Nuclear weapons be abolished?”

Humans, Earth’s Killer Bug
It is amazing how nature created a life on our planet and then – a huge diversity of species, whose evolution led to the emergence of Homo sapiens – a human being. Throughout not so long history of humans on the Earth (in the scale of its existence), we made a huge progress from learning … Continue reading “Humans, Earth’s Killer Bug”

It Is Time to End the Death Penalty?
The American society claims to be democratic and civilized. However, by sentencing the convicts to the death penalty, people contradict the main principles of democratic society and lead to immorality. The United States remain one of the highly developed countries that still practice the capital punishment as a rigorous method to deal with criminals. Despite … Continue reading “It Is Time to End the Death Penalty?”

Meaning of Life
The meaning of life and being is a philosophical and spiritual issue related to the definition of the ultimate objective of existence, the purpose of all people, and the man as the human being. It is one of the principal philosophical concepts, which has great significance for the development of the spiritual and moral character. … Continue reading “Meaning of Life”

Is Overpopulation the World’s Biggest Problem?
Overpopulation is a reason for numerous problems, which are frequently connected with the environment. In fact, overpopulation despite being the cause of the issues can help them reach a global scale. In fact, some scientists suggest that according to the growth rate of the population in recent years, quite soon the Earth will be overpopulated, … Continue reading “Is Overpopulation the World’s Biggest Problem?”