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Please note, 1 page is 300 words on our site,
while most of the services write 275 words only.
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When we receive orders, we assign them to the most suitably qualified writers with the right level of experience and expertise in the relevant subject area. It is very important we choose the most suitable writer for you to ensure the success of your project. The fact is that a true professional with appropriate knowledge and experience is needed to create a worthwhile paper.
The writing process at Ninjas-Essays.com begins with a thorough research of the topic you provide. Your project then moves to the writing stage, which is undertaken in strict accordance with the instructions you provide. When work is complete, we will send your paper by email as an MS Word (.doc) attachment. Alternatively, you will be able to download it from our company’s website.
The quality of the work provided by Ninjas-Essays.com is never questioned. Our company guarantees that all work is completed in exact accordance with the strictest writing standards. People we employ are all native English speakers. Each one has been educated in a top university. The papers we provide are entirely unique and 100% free of plagiarism. We additionally hold state certification for our services and our operation is legal.
Ninjas-Essays.com offers several advantages that are not available from other providers. One of these is that everyone in our team is either a professional writer or was previously a university or college professor.
The services we offer stretch across several academic disciplines. Our company guarantees your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to other parties no matter what the circumstances. There is certain personal information we need to collect about you for professional reasons, mainly to contact you in the event of any inquiries.
If you compare our writing services to other providers in our marketplace, you will find that our team is the most highly skilled, talented and experienced. Each one works with complete dedication and passion. This is what makes our company a great success.