If you read a definition of a comparative essay, you will see that self-explanatory statement that comparative papers are those that compare or contrast two objects, notions, events, people, buildings, etc. It presumes that the choice of topic is very important since you have to discuss two objects that have many similarities and differences. You should ask yourself “what will I compare” and you will see if the topic is appropriate for comparison or not. For instance, literature students can be asked to compare the lives of 2 poets. Management students can be asked to compare 2 management theories and how they shaped present-day managerial relations.
The Voice of Writing
If needed, our writers can explain you how to write a compare and contrast essay. One of the key rules is to discuss your objects in the third person (they, them, their, his, him, her, she, he, it). Do not use the first person in your comparison essays. Almost all academic pieces of writing should not present any “I” statements.
Grammar and Language Peculiarities
- Use academic (formal) language in your writing.
- Do not forget to use technical language or terms to prove that you are competent in the topic.
- Utilize all types of sentences (simple, complex, compound). A mix of different sentence structures is always favorable.
- Use effective evidential support along with your claims. However, your paragraphs should convey your discussion, not only outside research ideas.
- In compare contrast essay, you should resort to the present tenses, even if you refer to the situations or examples from the past.
- If your professor allowed, you can use a mix of different tenses (past, present, and future). Please refer to the task file for more information.
- Use compare and contrast linking words. For instance, you can include such words: contrary to, however, unlike, while, although, differ, similarly, in the same manner, both, etc. Do not hesitate to find more examples while working on your comparative essays.
Organization Patterns
There are different ways that help students cope with writing a comparative essay. Some students prefer to draw their ideas on papers and connect them with some arrows, take them into circles, squares, etc. that mark the comparison. Moreover, you can always create 2 columns and place your topic at the top of your paper. As soon as you finish completing the table, you can begin writing your essay.
Read the most common organization patterns:
- Point-to-point pattern: Writer discusses one point for both objects simultaneously and then moves to the next discussion.
- Similarities-to-differences pattern: Writer presents similarities and then differences.
- Whole-to-whole pattern: Writer discusses one object and then the second.
- Mentions the key points from discussion.
- Clearly shows the purpose of writing.
- Should give a hint on what should be compared and contrasted in the main body.
- Should include a focus of the essay. Your reader should get the context of your writing and clearly realize that your essay is organized around one single writing pattern.
- The last sentence should be a thesis statement.
Main Body
- In your comparative essay, main body paragraphs should be neatly organized and should be approximately equal in length.
- There should be vivid topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph.
- Follow only one of the patterns described above. Do not think that making up your own essay structure will intrigue your professor. Presenting a mix of ideas in one paper will not prove that you are a competent writer.
- Do not forget to create linking sentences that will join ideas together.
- Compare and contrast objects according to the same categories. For instance, if you mention that this car is black and this one is long, it is a mistake (you compared different categories – color and length).
- If you include subheadings in your paper, do no begin your last paragraph with words “In conclusion” since it is obvious that you will conclude your ideas.
- Your goal is to summarize the major differences and similarities.
- Do not introduce any brand new ideas. Compare contrast essay should end with already discussed notions.