Currently, there are five proclaimed nuclear countries – as the United States, France, China, Russia, and Great Britain, while four states, such as Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea, claim possessing nuclear weapons (Ross, 2016). All of them are aware of the danger of nuclear arms proliferation, and they try to keep the group of nuclear countries as small as it is now. However, some countries, the so-called rogue states, violate the global world order by supporting and funding world terrorism, arms proliferation, and pursuing nuclear technology in some way.
Iran is one of the most outstanding international lawbreakers. Iran began its nuclear program since 1950 with the backing of the United States under the program Atoms for Peace. However, Iran’s program, aimed at creating nuclear weapons, had been kept in secret for 18 years. In 2002, this concealed mission was revealed. In 2011, the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed concern regarding Iran after the reports on the signs of studies and experiments, aimed at the development of nuclear weapons (Director General, 2011). Since that time, such reports and ultimatums have become more and more frequent. Usually, Iran rejects these reports and accuses the International Atomic Energy Agency of pro-Western bias, threatening to cut cooperation with this organization. Sanctions against Iran become more frequent and tough, thus making the country more ungovernable. Such a rogue state certainly poses a great danger to the world security, and with the great nuclear power, it would become an inevitable threat to world peace.

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Firstly, as Iran leads quite a bellicose foreign policy on the international scene, its nuclear-armed potential would only increase its aggressiveness. Consequently, such a behavior would result in the even more serious confrontations between Iran and other countries of the world, especially its neighboring countries, and the United States. Furthermore, Iran probably has an offensive biological weapons program, a chemical weapons research and development, and it owns the largest equipment for the manufacturing of ballistic missiles in the Middle East. The existence of a serious nuclear power of Iran would only enhance the effects of those threatening factors. The world community believes that Iran already has a capability to hit the United States and its allies in Europe and the Middle East with its conventional weapons. Moreover, the US government worries about the possibility of Iran integrating its nuclear weapons into its ballistic missiles, which is quite possible for such an ungovernable and unpredictable state as Iran (Cronin, 2008). Therefore, if the world community allowed Tehran to develop nuclear weapons, the threat to the world security would rise dramatically.
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Secondly, as the leading state sponsor of world terrorism together with Sudan, Syria, and Cuba, Iran is capable of sharing its nuclear technology with different extremist groups that are antagonistic to the West and the United States. Thus, Iran provides financial support, trainings, weapons, and thousands of rockets to diverse terrorist groups in such countries as Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and others. What is more, the Iranian authorities have always maintained the insurgency in Iraq. Thus, recently, Iran has been condemned of supporting Hezbollah, the extremist organization that leads terrorist operations in Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Yemen and maintains terrorist groups that disrupt the security and stability of the world community (Kaye & Wehrey, 2007). Therefore, the permission for Iran to develop nuclear arms would lead to the increase of terrorist acts in the world and inevitable alterations in conventional methods of terrorism. The world community cannot allow nuclear weapons to become a tool of constraint in the hands of terroristic groups.
Thirdly, a nuclear Iran can be a cause of serious nuclear conflicts in the Middle East. Since this region a vital energy source for the USA and entire world, it would be enough simply to imagine that Iran constantly develops nuclear weapons and conducts trainings. These actions alone would raise fear in the world community, especially among the neighboring countries with Iran. Therefore, to prove themselves strong and safe, these countries would start to create and develop their nuclear arsenals. The number of arms purchases of such countries would constantly rise. However, there would be nothing strange in these actions because no country wants to feel increasingly vulnerable, and no country in the Middle East wants Iran to dominate in this region, especially due to its nuclear supremacy. Thus, there is also a hidden threat that all these efforts would lead to the nuclear arms race among the states in the Middle East.
What is more, such an outcome is very likely to happen because Iran triggers the nuclear arms race in the Middle East (Love, 2013). For example, a decade ago it, the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency was held in order to discuss the problem of the spread of nuclear proliferation. During one of its sessions, Abdullah, the King of Jordan said that as the Egyptians planned their nuclear program, his country also began considering an opportunity of developing a nuclear power for the objectives of peace and energy (Devi, 2007). This example can easily illustrate the initial stages, connected to this issue, that will begin to increase and distribute in the Middle East, and even peaceful nuclear programs of some countries pose a threat of nuclear proliferation. If this terrible scenario came true, these actions would further lead to the destabilization of this region, and the hostilities in the Middle East would cause a great threat to the world security.
Therefore, undoubtedly, a nuclear Iran is a global security threat not only to the Middle East but also to the whole world. All actions and interactions in the modern community are closely intertwined, so an ungovernable and unpredictable Iran has an opportunity to cause some disastrous effects. Thus, the world community cannot entrust a possession of nuclear capabilities to a state that has been among the main international lawbreakers and supporters of terrorist acts.